
K3 Syspro ERP: Driving Growth and Innovation in the UK Automotive Sector
The UK’s automotive sector remains an economic powerhouse, contributing £16.5 billion in GVA. But these are testing times for an industry struggling to respond to shifting global forces. Be it below par productivity or pressure to reduce…

A is for Automotive
As one of the largest and most important economic sectors by revenue, the automotive sector has long been a busy and competitive marketplace. As such, automotive OEMs and parts manufacturers are constantly fighting the same battle to streamline operations, boost productivity and increase efficiency.

Titan Drives Market Growth With Integrated SYSPRO Solution
Specialist component manufacturer Titan is expecting to drive growth throughout the entire business after investing in a new integrated enterprise resource planning system from K3 Syspro (K3)...

SYSPRO Puts Protean Business Management in Hi-Pa™ Drive
Clean technology pioneer Protean Electric has awarded K3 Business Technology Group (K3) a contract to supply a fully integrated SYSPRO enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution to support the company’s rapid growth and expansion plans. The groundbreaking green automotive propulsion manufacturer has begun implementing the system with a go-live scheduled for January 2010.

A Comprehensive Guide to ERP Training
Training your team is one of the most critical factors in the success of your ERP implementation. The time, money and work you have put in to selecting the perfect software for your business and tailoring it to your needs can be entirely undermined if, upon go-live date, your employees simply do not know how to use the software with proficiency.